Performing Umrah involves a series of rituals that pilgrims undertake in and around the holy cities of Mecca and Medina. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to perform Umrah:
1. Ihram:
- Enter the state of Ihram at the designated Miqat (boundary point) before reaching Mecca. For most pilgrims traveling by air, this will usually be before landing.
- Men should wear two pieces of unstitched white cloth, while women can wear their regular modest clothing.
- Recite the intention (niyyah) for Umrah.
2. Tawaf:
- Upon arrival in Mecca, perform Tawaf (circumambulation) around the Kaaba in a counter-clockwise direction.
- Start from the Black Stone (Hajr-e-Aswad) corner and continue for seven circuits.
- Recite prayers and supplications during Tawaf.
3. Sa'i:
- After Tawaf, perform Sa'i, which involves walking seven times between the hills of Safa and Marwa.
- Start from Safa and end at Marwa, emulating Hagar's search for water for her son, Ismail.
- Recite prayers and supplications during Sa'i.
4. Shaving or Trimming Hair:
- After completing Sa'i, men should shave their heads or trim their hair. Women should trim a small portion of their hair.
- This symbolizes humility and the removal of sins.
5. Tahalul:
- With the completion of these rituals, Ihram restrictions are lifted. Pilgrims can now change into regular clothing and resume their normal activities.
- Some pilgrims choose to perform additional prayers and supplications at this stage.
6. Optional Rituals:
- After performing Umrah, pilgrims may engage in optional acts of worship, such as visiting the Prophet's Mosque in Medina or performing additional Tawaf and Sa'i.
- It's also recommended to spend time in remembrance of Allah and seeking His forgiveness.
7. Departure:
- Once Umrah is complete, pilgrims can return to their homes or continue with other religious or personal activities.
Throughout the journey, it's important to maintain a state of reverence, humility, and devotion, seeking Allah's blessings and forgiveness. It's also advisable to follow the guidance of experienced mentors or scholars and to show respect to fellow pilgrims.